Posted by: thelenscap | 20 August, 2008

i hope america will do the right thing

i know, it’s been awhile since i posted.  sorry 😦  i’ve been crazy busy packing and getting everything ready for saturday.  this will be a short post, since i’m still not finished.  basically, it’s just a reminder for people to vote in november and change this country for the better.  normally, i don’t put a lot of politics on my blogs, but i think this is a worthy exception.

i’m reposting an excerpt of very important article everyone should read:

Q: Who said the solution to the housing crisis is for people facing foreclosure to get a “second job” and skip their vacations?

A: McCain. He should know, because he and his wife own nine houses. He must have a LOT of jobs.

Source: In a speech on the economy, John McCain said homeowners “are doing what is necessary–working a second job, skipping a vacation, and managing their budgets–to make their payments on time.”

now that is just ridiculous.  i don’t want this man in office.  and if you don’t want him there either, don’t just sit and badmouth him; VOTE and make sure he doesn’t get into the oval office.  because i truly believe he will be ten times as worse than bush.

–because there are always trolls, bush fanatics, and spammers, comments have been disabled for this post.  but just think about what you’ve read- THEN ACT ON IT.–
